Australian FAQs

If you are applying for skilled migration, you would need to prove your English Language ability. The level of English required depends on the visa stream that you are applying under.

English language test options for Australian migration:

  1. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized English language proficiency exam that has been designed to test the English Proficiency of migrants who wish to study, live and work in an English-speaking country/ environment. The IELTS is designed to test a person’s ability in four capacities including, Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
  2. The Occupational English Test (OET) can be taken to demonstrate a person’s ability to communicate in English. This test is valid for individuals who are seeking employment in the medical and allied health professions.
  3. The Pearson Academic Test of English (Pearson PTE) is a computer-based academic English language test aimed at non-native English speakers wanting to study or migrate overseas. It tests Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking abilities of individuals.

Validity of language tests: 3 years

*An exception to the above would be if you are applying with only a ‘Functional English’ level, then you would be required to have completed the exam not more than 12 months prior to lodging the application.

For many skilled migration visas, you would need to demonstrate at least a COMPETENT level of English to qualify for migration. The Competent English levels for each exam are listed in the table below. If you hold citizenship from Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States and Ireland, you would not have to sit for a language exam.

English Language Requirement










PTE Academic










The only exceptions would be:

  1. 482 Temporary Skill Shortage Visa:

    Short Term Stream: IELTS overall: 5; minimum 4.5 on each band
    Medium Term Stream: IELTS 5 minimum on each band

  2. 485 Temporary Graduate visa: IELTS overall band score:6; minimum 5.5 on each band

To qualify for an Australian Visa, all applicants need to meet the minimum Australian Health Requirements. If an applicant is required to undertake a medical examination, then they would be informed by the department of home affairs.
You may be asked to undergo a medical and/or x-ray examination if:

  • you are applying for a visa which lets you stay in Australia for more than three months
  • you would be likely to visit a classroom for longer than twelve weeks (Teacher)
  • You would likely be entering a hospital or nursing home
  • There are signs to indicate that you do not meet the required health criteria

Medical Examinations - Prior to Visa lodgement

After application lodgement, for the following visas, you should wait until you have been contacted by the department and provided with an individual ID number to present to a panel doctor, before you make any arrangements to pay and undergo medical examinations.

  • Partner Visa
  • Business Visa
  • Visitor Visa
  • Migration Visa

A medical examination result is valid for 12 months from the date of issue, but if the health of the applicant is poor, then the validity of the results will be much shorter.

75 Years or over

If you are over the age of 75, then it is compulsory that you undergo a medical examination to determine if you would be in a medically acceptable condition to travel to and from Australia. In addition, you would need to provide medical insurance coverage, to cover the entire length of your proposed stay in Australia.

Character and Police Certificate Requirements

Any person entering Australia will be assessed against a list of character requirements. Some visa applications may ask you to provide police clearance certificates from all countries in which you have resided for a period of 12 months or more in the last ten years since turning the age of 16.

As of 1st July 2018, the minimum points required to qualify for Australian General skilled migration is 65 points. This change would affect applicants who have previously applied with the minimum point score of 60 points and are awaiting an invitation to apply.

An estimated score can be calculated using SkillSelect ( to determine if you meet the minimum required eligibility criteria to apply for skilled migration.

Even if you meet the minimum required score, it is not guaranteed that you would receive an invitation to apply. An invitation to apply will depend on the skill shortage vacancies available for the skill under which you applied, and how others applying for the same skill scored in comparison to you.

*The minimum qualification threshold changes each year and would depend on the skill requirements of each state, the skill shortages and the number of applications received.

You could improve your current migration scores by:

  1. Scoring favourably in the English Language Test (IELTS), either a 7 or 8 overall band score.
  2. Completing a NAATI course
  3. Doing a one-year Professional year program in Accounting, Engineering or Computer Sciences.
  4. Receive a State sponsorship

Each State/ Territory have their own eligibility requirements for skilled and business migration. You could visit the individual state migration websites below to find out more information on their eligibility criteria.

  • Relevant work experience refers to any Australian or Overseas skilled work experience you have completed in the 5-10 years immediately prior to applying for your visa.
  • The work experience needs to be completed in the relevant skill/ industry that you are applying under.
  • You need to have been in paid employment for a minimum of 20 hours a week.
  • Need to have completed the minimum required study (eg: diploma /Degree) to qualify for the job or have previously completed the equivalent in terms of training or work experience.
  • Work experience does not need to be continuous, and could include gaps in the employment, signified by periods of activity, like studies (Time taken off employment to pursue a Masters/PHD). For eg: If an applicant worked for 3 years as an Engineer, took a 2-year break to pursue further study and then resumed work as an engineer for an additional 3 years, the applicant would still qualify for points under “Five years of relevant work experience”.
  • The duties and responsibilities of the position you worked for needs to meet the minimum level of depth and complexity expected in Australia

You can include your family members if:

You are in Australia on a work visa:

  • Your family members are included as APPLICANTS in your working visa application OR
  • Your family members apply for a visitor visa (For short period visit)

Your family members include your:

  • Spouse or De-Facto Partner
  • Children or step-children, including your partner's children/ step children
  • Other dependent relatives
  • 2. If you are an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident you can bring your family members to Australia on a permanent basis under the following visa categories:

  • Your family members are included as APPLICANTS in your working visa application OR
  • 300 Prospective marriage visa
  • 309/100 Spouse /Partner Visa
  • 103 Parent Visa
  • 804 Aged Parent Visa
  • 143 Contributory Parent Visa
  • 101 Child Visa

A certified copy of a document is an exact copy of the original document, such as passport bio-page, birth certificate, driver's license, marriage or divorce certificate, or other proof of identify documents which has been stamped, signed or marked by an authorized person as being a true copy of the original document.

  • An accountant/ Tax Agent
  • A Legal Practitioner (Lawyer)
  • A barrister, solicitor or patent attorney
  • A police officer
  • A postal manager
  • A principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school.
  • A medical practitioner (Doctor)
  • A Justice of the Peace
  • A minister of religion
  • When certifying the documents, the following line must be stamped or written by the certifier “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document". In addition, the certifier needs to include their Full name, Qualification/Organization, Registration Number, and Date.

An Expression of Interest (EOI) is an online form that must be completed by all potential migrants applying for a skilled visa, seeking migration status in Australia. The form consists of a series of questions to determine your skills and experience depending on the type of visa that you have selected to apply for.

The EOI document is used to calculate your eligibility in scoring the minimum required mark to qualify for migration status. This document will be made available to potential employers, and state and territory government agencies to be considered for sponsorship.

The following visas require an EOI to be submitted prior to applying for the visa:

  • Business Talent visa (subclass 132)
  • Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188)
  • Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)
  • Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489)
  • Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187)
  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482)
  • In the EOI it must be made clear:

  • which visa subclass and stream you are applying for
  • If you require nomination/ sponsorship from an Australian State or Territory and specify which State/s or Territories.

Depending on the information that you provide to the questions on the EOI, an estimated score will be calculated through SkillSelect to determine if you meet the minimum required eligibility criteria to apply for skilled migration. If you score above the minimum required mark, the Australian State or Territory Government Agencies you listed will view your EOI and determine if they would like to nominate you to apply for the visa.
If you are nominated, then you will be INVITED TO APPLY for the visa.

Skillselect is the online system used by the Australian Government to allow skilled workers, interested in migrating to Australia to be considered for a skilled Australian Visa. To begin the process, skilled workers would need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through skillselect.

The invitation could be received any time from the time you apply, up to two years. If you have been invited, then you have 60 days of being sent the invitation to apply for the visa. You will not be given an extension on this time.

  • Even if you meet the minimum required score, it is not guaranteed that you would receive an invitation to apply. An invitation to apply will depend on the skill shortage vacancies available for the skill for which you applied, and how others applying for the same skill shortage scored in comparison to you.
  • If you fail to apply for the visa after you have received a maximum of two invitations, then your EOI will be removed from SkillSelect.
  • If you turn 50 prior to receiving an invitation, then you will not receive one.
  • If you wish to update your EOI, after submitting, you are able to do so after the 60-day invitation period has passed.

Before becoming an Australian Citizen, there are certain minimum requirements that you must fulfil. This includes:

  • Being a permanent resident of Australia at the time of application
  • Have resided in Australia for a minimum of four years on a valid Australian visa immediately prior to applying, and not been absent from Australia for more than one year in total
  • Lived in Australia as a permanent resident for a minimum of 12 months immediately prior to applying, and spent not more than 90 days away from Australia in the 12 months prior to applying
  • Are of good character (You may be required to submit police clearance certificates for all the countries you have lived in for 12 months or more for the past 10 years)
  • Display a basic knowledge of English
  • Show proof of intention to continue residing or maintain close associations with Australia
  • Display satisfactory knowledge of the responsibilities and privileges associated with being an Australian Citizen
  • Sit for an Australian Citizenship exam and meet the required pass mark of 75% (15/20 questions)
  • *If you are above the age of 60, then you would not be required to sit for the citizenship test. *Children under the age of 16 can be included in the citizenship application if they are permanent residents.

The global processing time for visas vary and are updated regularly on the department of home affairs website to provide you with an indicative time frame taken to process the applications. All visa processing times are indicated by two processing times, signifying the time taken for 75% and 90% of applications to be processed. The processing times could change depending on the number of application submitted, incomplete applications, high/peak seasons for submissions, and other complicated situations. Most visa applications can be submitted in two ways:

1.In person (paper submissions) at the closest immigration/service centre

2. Online, by creating an online IMMI account. (It is recommended to submit visa applications online, wherever possible, as the streamlining process is faster)

Visa application processing times (As made available on the department of home affairs website)

Work and skilled visas

Visa application processing times

Visa Type

Stream (if available)

75% of applications processed in

90% of applications processed in

100 Partner (Offshore)

18 months

26 months

101 Child (Onshore)

11 months

15 months

186 Employer Nomination Scheme

Direct Entry

11 months

15 months

186 Employer Nomination Scheme

Temporary Residence Transition

10 months

13 months

187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme

Temporary Residence Transition

11 months

16 months

187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme

Direct Entry

21 months

23 months

188 Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional)

Business Innovation

21 months

22 months

189 Skilled - Independent


7 months

8 months

189 Skilled - Independent

New Zealand

14 months

18 months

189 Skilled - Independent

9 months

13 months

190 Skilled - Nominated

67 days

76 days

407 Training

67 days

76 days

476 Skilled - Recognised Graduate

8 months

11 months

482 Temporary Skill Shortage


30 days

46 days

482 Temporary Skill Shortage


30 days

47 days

482 Temporary Skill Shortage

Labour Agreement

27 days

33 days

485 Temporary Graduate

Graduate Work

90 days

4 months

489 Skilled - Regional (Provisional)

State/Territory Nominated Visa Classes - GSM

9 months

13 months

887 Skilled - Regional

16 months

18 months

Family and partner visas

100 Partner (Offshore)

18 months

26 months

101 Child (Onshore)

11 months

15 months

300 Prospective Marriage

12 months

16 months

309 Partner (Provisional) Offshore

14 months

19 months

801 Partner (Onshore)

22 months

26 months

820 Partner Provisional (Onshore)

23 months

27 months

Only those who are officially registered as a migration agent (MARA) can provide migration assistance.

It is illegal for anyone other than a registered agent to provide this assistance and is considered a criminal offense for an unregistered person to provide this information and could be punishable by law.

Due to the vast and diverse landscape covering Australia, the climate varies dramatically in different parts of the country.

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Canberra, the capital of Australia is found in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). In Canberra you would experience a continental climate as it is located away from the coast. The summers are mild and wet, with a few warm days. Winters in Canberra are quite cold with frequent frost and fog.

A lot of the high-altitude mountain ranges in the south-west get covered with snow during winter. During Spring and Summer (October - March), occasional thunderstorms could occur. Rainfall is highest during the spring and summer and lowest during winter.

Sydney, New South Wales (NSW)

More than half of the state of NSW has a semi-arid climate. In the state capital of Sydney, the climate can be described as humid subtropical, with hot and humid summers and mild winters. The eastern part of the state experiences a temperate climate, a desert climate to the west, and an oceanic climate to the south. In the Snowy Mountains region of NSW in the South-East, the weather tends to be either subpolar oceanic or alpine, with extremely cold weather all year round, and snowfall during winter.
Sydney has one of the best weather conditions, averaging 15-17 degrees year-round. The city experiences mild and cool winters, and warm and hot summers. The highest rainfall is recorded during the first half of the year. Sydney also experiences around 20 thunderstorms per year on average. Sunshine is plentiful in the months of January and August. Spring is quite dry in Sydney, and during summer, the temperatures could rise well above 35 degrees.

Darwin, Northern Territory (NT)

The Northern Territory (NT) has two distinct climate zones. In Darwin, the climate is a tropical wet and dry climate, and experiences very high levels of humidity, and two seasons; the wet season (October - April) and the dry season (May - September). During the dry season, almost every day is warm and sunny with a humidity level of 30% in the afternoons. May and September months have mild rainfall, and June and July are the coolest months; the weather can go down to as low as 14 degrees Celsius. The wet season brings monsoon rains and tropical cyclones, with maximum rainfall during December - March, accompanied by frequent thunderstorms. The temperature remains approximately around 30 degrees Celsius for most of the year. However, certain parts of the Northern Territory experience monsoon weather including hurricanes and typhoons.

Brisbane, Queensland

A majority of the State experiences two distinct seasons; winter which is accompanied by warm temperatures and low rainfall and Summer, which can get very hot, sticky and high rainfall levels. Parts of Queensland also experience monsoon weather including hurricanes and typhoons. Brisbane, the capital of Queensland experiences a subtropical climate, where most of the year is warm and humid, and residents enjoy around 2,800 hours of sunshine annually. Most rainfall occurs during the summertime and can be accompanied by thunderstorms including torrential rain. Winter is generally dry, with clear, blue skies. The hottest months are during summer (December - February) and the weather can get very sticky and humid.

Adelaide, South Australia

The climate in Adelaide is Mediterranean, with cool, mild winters and a fair amount of rainfall. Summers are generally dry and hot; Adelaide is the driest of all Australian capital cities. In recent years, Adelaide has experienced spikes in heatwaves, droughts and extremely high temperatures, which could be attributed to global warming and climate change. In winter, Adelaide experiences substantial wind chills, and makes the temperature seem cooler than it actually is. In summer, rain is infrequent and light, and in winter there are heavy periods of rain, with June being the wettest month of the year.


Tasmania experiences a cool, temperate climate and has four seasons. Summer is the warmest (December - February), with average temperatures ranging from 17 to 23 degrees Celsius. Winter is a lot colder, and averages around 3 to 11 degrees Celsius. Rainfall in different parts of the island varies, and the capital; Hobart gets very little rainfall and is the second driest capital city after Adelaide. In Tasmania, Australians experience the harshest and coldest conditions during winter, with hail and snow. Summers are generally mild, with a low of mid-twenties. The weather in Tasmania is quite unpredictable, so you should always be prepared, and carry an umbrella and a raincoat/jacket for extra measure.

Melbourne, Victoria

Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, has a temperate oceanic climate, and is known for its extremely unpredictable weather patterns. This is largely due to its geographical location. During spring and summer, Melbourne faces strong cold fronts, with severe weather patterns, including thunderstorms, gales, heavy rain, and even on occasion; hail. Melbourne is known to experience all four seasons in one day, with sudden formation of isolated showers, which are heavy and include hail and strong gusts of wind. These temperature changes could sometimes last only several minutes before it passes on, and the weather clears to a more sunny, calmer state. This could happen several times in a single day. Summers in Melbourne are known for their extreme heat, especially in the months of January and February. Winters can get quite cold, with moderate rainfall, accompanied by occasional frost and fog, especially during the months of June and July. Winter averages at about 10-12 degrees, and during summer it averages around 25 degrees Celsius, but has been known to rise over 40 degrees Celsius on occasion. October is known to be the wettest month in Melbourne.

Perth, Western Australia

Perth has a Mediterranean climate and experiences hot and dry summers through December- March, with sporadic showers, and thunderstorms, and the occasional tropical cyclone. Winters are quite mild, but wet, with a significant amount of rainfall. Perth experiences several days of sunshine and is known as the sunniest capital city in Australia.

Before considering migrating, it is always best that you are prepared for the financial costs associated with living and working in Australia. The following costing is only an approximate guideline. The actual costs could vary depending on where you are located within Australia.

Average MONTHLY expenses (per person)

Accommodation cost: $1,000 - $2,000

Groceries: $350-400

Utilities (Water/Gas/ Electricity): $150- $200

Phone & Internet: $ 100

Public Transport: $150

Personal expenses (Eating out/Shopping): $200

Miscellaneous: $250

The average monthly expenses per person is around $2500 - $3,000

Minimum cost of living (Annual)

According to the Department of Home Affairs, the annual minimum cost of living for Australian residents and migrants are as follows:

  • Yourself - $20,290
  • Partner/spouse - $7,100
  • Per Child - $3,040

Australia is comprised of a mixed market economy, with a GDP of AUD 1.69 trillion by the end of 2017. They are the second wealthiest nation in terms of wealth per adult, following Switzerland. The service sector, which comprises of 61.1% of the GDP, dominates the Australian economy, and employs close to 80% of the labour force. The Australian economy has remained stable and resilient despite declines in certain sectors, like mining, and has not experienced a recession or economic decline for over 25 years. Some of the top performing Australian organizations include: Commonwealth Bank, Telstra, Woolworths, BHP Billiton, Caltex, Macquarie Group, Westpac, National Australia bank and Wesfarmers, to name a few. GDP growth has increased in the first quarter of 2018, due to a variety of fixed investments, benefitting from a significant growth in housing construction and commodity exports. It is estimated that the economy will continue to grow at around 3% in the coming years. Business investment is expected to increase, together with public infrastructure investment. Due to an increase in job creation, the employment and participation rates have significantly risen in the last few years. (Participation rates are calculated based on the number of persons currently employed or actively looking for work). The increase in the number of skilled migrants can be attributed to the rise in the participation rates. The up-skilling of the workforce and the increase in the number of

hours worked per worker has additionally contributed to an increase in the overall economic performance of Australia. The participation rates as at June 2018, were 65.70 %, which is a 0.20% increase from the previous month. On average, Australia's labour participation rates have remained between 63.80% and 65.80% since 1978. The participation rates for the past year are depicted in the chart below.


In Australia, there are three types of Healthcare schemes available to residents, including

  • Medicare
  • The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
  • Private Health Insurance


This is a government run medical scheme, operated by Medicare Australia, which is the primary health care funder in Australia and covers 70% of healthcare costs of an individual. Medicare provides healthcare primarily for Australian PR holders and Citizens. Through Medicare, Australian residents are entitled to subsidized treatment from health professionals, medical practitioners, midwives and nurses, as well as receive treatment from public hospitals.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for Medicare:

  • You should be living in Australia and have been granted permanent residence or citizenship.
  • You must be holding a valid visa and have a spouse, parent/s or child who is an Australian permanent resident or citizen.
  • Have applied for a permanent residence visa and are holding a valid visa with work rights, while the PR visa is being processed. This could include a bridging visa A, B or C. *If the bridging visa has a “no working rights” condition, then you must show evidence of spouse/ de facto partner relationship with an Australian citizen or PR holder to be eligible to receive Medicare (You would need to provide a relationship certificate/marriage certificate).
  • You must currently not be awaiting outcome of a parent visa or protection visa, or must not have previously applied for a parent visa

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

The PBS is an Australian program, which together with Medicare, ensure that a diverse range of medicines are available, affordable and easily accessible to the residents of Australia.

Private Health Insurance

The balance 30% of healthcare benefits which is not covered by Medicare falls under private health insurance schemes. Therefore, it is recommended that residents include a private health insurance plan in addition to their Medicare schemes to ensure that they have a 100% medical coverage. There are several health insurance schemes available in Australia, each with their unique coverage plans. For those considering private health insurance, it would be beneficial to go through websites like iSelect and Bupa, which offer comparisons of different healthcare schemes, and would enable you to select the plan that would best suit your budget and needs. *It is essential that you bring any past medical records, including x-rays, dental records, etc for yourself and any family members migrating with you to Australia.

The Australian Education system is structured as follows:

  • Primary School (Year 1- Year 7)
  • Secondary school (Year 8- Year 10)
  • Senior Secondary School (Year 11 and 12)
  • Tertiary Education - Higher Education including, University/College, and vocational education and training (VET)

*It is compulsory for children aged between 6-16 years to be enrolled in school.

Primary Language

The official language practiced in Australia is English. However, there are several schools which offer education programs in other languages.

The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) is a standards organization that is responsible for ensuring that high standards are set, maintained and promoted and provide the necessary accreditation for those who wish to gain knowledge/experience in working as Translators or Interpreters in Australia.

Successful completion of a NAATI course would allow you to claim 5 points under the Credential Community Language (CCL) which would be an added benefit on your path to permanent residency. SIEC can assist you in securing a place to complete your desired NAATI course in one of the listed Australian Universities/Colleges administering NAATI courses.

Admission Requirements

  • Must be 18 years old and above
  • Undertake an entry test to the selected University/Institute

Course Duration

6 months (24 weeks)

List of Institutes/Universities offering NAATI courses

  • RMIT University
  • University of Western Australia
  • University of New South Wales (UNSW)
  • University of Melbourne
  • Monash University
  • Macquarie University
  • University of Adelaide
  • University of Queensland
  • Western Sydney University
  • Australian Institute of Translation and Interpretation
  • Sydney Institute of Interpreting and Translating
  • Australian Ideal College
  • Sydney TAFE
  • Abbey College Australia
  • Deaf Society of NSW
  • Cambridge International College
  • Empire Institute of Education
  • Global Business College of Australia
  • Wentworth Institute
  • Multilink Academy of Interpreting and Translating

A professional year program is a development program that has been structured to enhance a student's ability to gain employment and broaden knowledge and skills of the Australian culture and workplace.

The Professional year program is available in the following fields of study:

  • Accounting
  • Engineering
  • Computer Science

Program duration

The program is structured into 44 weeks. The first 32 weeks include training in business communication and Australian workplace skills. The remaining 12 weeks is an Australian workplace internship at a host company in the student's chosen field.

Benefits of a Professional Year Program

  • Students can gain an extra 5 points when applying for Permanent Residency at the completion of a Professional year program.
  • Looks good on a CV.
  • Develops a student's knowledge and skills of the Australian workplace and culture.
  • The internship program helps to enhance practical skills.
  • Increases a student's career opportunities, especially in the fields of Accounting, IT and Engineering.
  • Increases networking opportunities with industry experts and professionals.

Do I qualify?

  • You must hold a degree in one of the following Fields - Accounting, Computer Science or Engineering
  • You must be holding a Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) allowing you to remain in Australia for 18 months after completing your degree
  • Students who have graduated with an Engineering degree outside Australia at a recognized International Institution is also applicable to enrol in a professional year program in Engineering. These students would need to apply for a Recognized Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 476)

Visa requirement

All applicants should hold or have applied to hold a Temporary residence visa, Subclass 485 and must hold this visa for the duration of the professional year program. You can apply for a 485 visa if you are on a current student or bridging visa. Engineering graduates who hold a Skilled recognized graduate visa (subclass 476) are also eligible to apply for a professional year in Engineering.

Skill Assessment

Each applicant needs to meet the skill assessment criteria of their assessing bodies to determine if they qualify. (CPA, ACS, EEA, IPA, ICAA)

English Language proficiency

All students need to have a minimum of 6.0 overall IELTS band score, with no less than 6.0 in each of the four bands.

What does the professional year program entail?

  • CV and interview preparation
  • Industry specific training
  • Business communications
  • Knowledge and understanding of Australian work practices
  • 12-week professional internship program

Application process

  • Fill and submit application form
  • Include certified copy of passport biopage
  • Provide cv/resume
  • Proof of English language proficiency - IELTS/PTE score
  • Copy of current visa
  • Any relevant academic documents (certified copies)
  • Skill assessment from the relevant assessing body

Professional Year Colleges (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane)

  • Monash Professional Pathways
  • Australian Technical and Management College
  • Academies Australasia Polytechnic
  • Navitas Professional
  • Performance Education
  • Queensland International Business Academy
  • Stanley College
  • Accountants Resource Centre
  • Indus Institute
  • Education centre of Australia

The visa cost will depend on the category or type of visa that you apply for. Once paid the fee will not be refunded, even if the visa application is rejected or withdrawn. Information regarding individual visa categories can be found on the Department of Home Affairs website by following this link -

hours worked per worker has additionally contributed to an increase in the overall economic performance of Australia. The participation rates as at June 2018, were 65.70 %, which is a 0.20% increase from the previous month. On average, Australia's labour participation rates have remained between 63.80% and 65.80% since 1978. The participation rates for the past year are depicted in the chart below.

The most up-to-date list of skilled occupations can be found on the Department on Home Affairs:

It lets you and any member of your family unit who has also been granted this visa:

  • Stay in Australia indefinitely
  • Work and study in Australia
  • Enrol in Medicare ( Health scheme)
  • Apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible)
  • Sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
  • Travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted (after the 5 years, you will need to apply for a resident return visa to return to Australia).

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